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VectSharp: a light library for C# vector graphics

VectSharp is a library to create vector graphics (including text) in C#, without too many dependencies.

This website contains a number of examples and tutorials to help you get started using VectSharp.

You can also access the detailed API documentation from here, or download it as a PDF file. You can find the source code for VectSharp in the VectSharp GitHub repository.

The idea

The “top-level” unit in VectSharp is the Document object, which is simply a collection of Page objects. Each Page object has a Size, and a Graphics surface that on which the contents of the page are drawn. The VectSharp NuGet package contains these classes, as well as methods that make it possible to draw on this abstract Graphics surface.

The Document or the Pages can then be exported to a standard file format using the VectSharp “output layers”: for example, VectSharp.PDF can be used to produce PDF documents, or VectSharp.SVG to create SVG images.

The benefit of this approach is that you can use the same code to produce documents in various formats (or even to display a preview of the image on screen), without having to bother with the details of how each drawing operation is represented by different formats.